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We’re Not Supposed to Drink Coffee When We Wake Up?

According to sleep expert Dr. Deborah Lee, the immediate consumption of coffee upon waking may not be the optimal choice. She points out that cortisol, the primary stress hormone responsible for heightened alertness and focus, is at its peak in the morning. Cortisol also plays a role in regulating metabolism and the immune system.

Drinking coffee during this cortisol peak could potentially have negative effects, and there’s a risk of developing a tolerance to caffeine. Cortisol levels follow a rhythm specific to an individual’s sleep cycle, explaining the natural energy surge in the morning and increased fatigue at night.

Dr. Lee suggests the ideal time for coffee consumption is mid-to-late morning when cortisol levels start to decline, and you may first experience a dip in energy. For example, if you wake up at 7:00 A.M., the recommended coffee time might be around 10:00 A.M. to noon. However, even waiting 45 minutes after waking is considered better than having coffee immediately.

On the other hand, another sleep expert, Dr. Wendy Troxel, argues that there is no scientific evidence supporting a significant difference in alertness between having caffeine first thing in the morning and delaying it for a couple of hours. She believes the timing of coffee consumption is largely a matter of personal preference.

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