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Are You Being Rude?

Let’s face it, we’re all imperfect members of society. For every annoyance we harbor about someone else’s behavior, it’s likely that we inadvertently annoy others without even realizing it.

There’s an ongoing online discussion about actions or remarks people make unknowingly, which come off as rude. Do you concur with these observations, and perhaps find yourself guilty of any?

1. Playing anything in public with the volume turned up.
2. Parking a shopping cart in the middle of an aisle, even if it’s just for a moment, hindering others from passing.
3. Exiting a bustling escalator and immediately stopping to look around, forcing others to awkwardly maneuver around you; a scenario often encountered on moving walkways at airports.
4. Insisting someone partake in alcohol or drugs when they decline, accompanied by a disappointed look or questioning them about their choices.
5. Allowing your dog to jump on someone else, and similarly, refraining from letting your kids do the same.
6. Inquiring about a couple’s plans for having kids, regardless of their marital status, and prying into their decision to get married.
7. Glancing at your phone while someone is talking to you.
8. Making comments about someone’s weight or physique, even if intended as a compliment.
9. Offering unsolicited parenting advice, whether directly or indirectly through social media posts, often perceived as preaching or “shaming.”
10. Using “no offense” as a prelude to potentially offensive remarks, prompting reconsideration before vocalizing such thoughts.

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