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Ten Most Common Laundry Fails

A poll of 2,000 people looked at the most common LAUNDRY FAILS.  And almost half of us have done #1 on the list.  Here’s the Top 10 . . .

1.  Leaving a tissue in a pocket, and it disintegrates in the wash.

2.  Leaving one dark item in with your whites, and it ruins stuff

3.  Leaving loose change in your pocket, so it rattles around in the dryer.

4.  Forgetting to put clean clothes in the dryer, so you have to wash them again.

5.  Cramming too much stuff into the wash, so it doesn’t get clean enough.

6.  Shrinking stuff by washing it on the wrong setting.

7.  Putting detergent, fabric softener, or bleach in the wrong compartment.

8.  Staining clothes because of a dirty or rusty washing machine.

9.  Using too much fabric softener on towels.  If they’re coated with too much of it, they can’t absorb water as well.

10.  Leaving gadgets in pockets, like AirPods or your phone.

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