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Prayer Service for Ukraine to be held March 15th at Lake Junaluska

Memorial Chapel at Lake Junaluska.

A Prayer Service for Ukraine will be held on Tuesday, March 15, at noon at Lake Junaluska’s Memorial Chapel. 

“The service will offer a chance to come together at this time of world turmoil and unrest to lift up our hearts in prayer through meditation, reflection, silence, light and music,” said the Rev. Susan Slye Giles, who will lead the service.

The service will take place in Memorial Chapel, a chapel built in the 1940s after the Lake Junaluska Cottage Owners Association started a movement to raise funds for a Temple of Peace, to be erected in the name of the Prince of Peace, and in honor of those who served in the armed forces of our country in World War II.

The stained glass windows in the chapel bear some symbols that John V. Hooper in his book “Mystery of Memorial Chapel” links to Ukrainian Pysanky symbols. A glass painter believed to have worked on Memorial Chapel’s windows was Lubomyr Stephan Wandzura, a Ukrainian immigrant who served in the war. According to Hooper, the symbols incorporated into the windows appear to range from a net/sieve that symbolized Christ as a fisher of men to an arrowhead that symbolized protection of the home and also protection of the homeland.

For more information about Lake Junaluska, visit lakejunaluska.com.

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