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A.I. Avatar Date Other People’s Avatars to Find You a Match?

If one harbors concerns about artificial intelligence encroaching upon traditional employment roles, it naturally prompts skepticism regarding its potential involvement in orchestrating arranged marriages. Dating applications have undeniably streamlined the process of matching and connecting individuals, albeit with varied outcomes. Now, there’s speculation about the advent of AI assuming the role of a “dating concierge” in the foreseeable future, essentially functioning as an avatar to represent individuals in virtual dating scenarios.

Whitney Wolfe Herd, the founder of Bumble, suggests the plausibility of employing an AI dating concierge, envisioning a scenario where these virtual entities engage in dates with counterparts represented by other AI avatars. The purported advantage lies in the efficiency of swiftly navigating through numerous virtual encounters, sparing individuals the expenditure of time and resources on potentially unsuitable matches. Following these interactions, the AI concierge would then provide recommendations on which individuals are deemed suitable for face-to-face meetings.

While dating apps currently utilize algorithms and data analysis to facilitate matchmaking, the exact mechanism through which virtual AI dates would enhance this process remains uncertain. Hypothetically, these interactions might involve simulated conversations, allowing the AI to gauge compatibility based on the responses of the other person’s avatar.

Furthermore, individuals could engage in extensive discussions with their AI concierge, divulging personal concerns or preferences that could potentially refine the AI’s matchmaking capabilities. Additionally, the AI concierge could offer guidance and advice on effective communication strategies for real-life encounters.

However, it’s worth noting that these concepts of AI concierges are speculative and not currently under development. Proponents envision them as a potential evolution in the landscape of dating, a vision that may materialize sooner rather than later.

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