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59% of Gen Z Investors Say They’ve Traded While Hammered

If you’ve been known to have an adult beverage or two, you’ve probably purchased something while drunk that you regret.  And if you’re a young adult, it might have been STOCKS.

According to a new survey, 32% of investors have traded while DRUNK.

And the age group that’s the biggest offender?  Gen-Z, who are younger than 24, and, I guess, older than 21 if they’re drinking legally.

A whopping 59% of Gen-Z investors say they’ve traded while wasted, and they’ve probably regretted a good portion of that

85% of Gen-Z investors overall say they’ve made a trade they regretted.  And 66% have made an “impulsive or emotionally charged investing decision they later regretted.”

PR Newswire
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