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37% of People are OK with Wearing Pajamas in Hotel Lobbies

There are two types of people: those who treat a hotel stay as if they’re a GUEST and those who behave as if they’re AT HOME.

A recent survey asked people about various QUESTIONABLE hotel behaviors, gauging whether they were deemed acceptable or unacceptable. Here are some of the results:

– 77% of people believe it’s acceptable to take the small bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and soap home with them.
– 72% think it’s fine to change to a new bath towel after just one use.
– 40% consider it acceptable to leave the lights on when they’re not in the room.
– 37% say it’s okay to wear pajamas throughout the hotel’s common areas.
– 24% think it’s permissible to let their kids jump on the beds.
– 19% believe it’s acceptable to take the Bibles home with them. (Although the organizations that provide the Bibles do not mind if people take them, it may feel wrong given the commandment against stealing.)

– 16% say it’s acceptable to host a party (even if it means exceeding the maximum occupancy) without prior approval.
– 15% think it’s fine to leave trash around the room when checking out.
– 11% believe it’s okay to talk loudly after 10:00 P.M.
– 8% say it’s acceptable to bring a pet without prior approval.
– 8% think the towels are complimentary and can be taken home.
– 8% admit to pilfering the hangers.
– 4% believe it’s acceptable to smoke in non-smoking rooms, while another 4% are unsure if it’s acceptable.
– 4% think it’s acceptable to steal decorative items from the room. (It’s possible that the 4% margin includes trolls.)

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