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The Average Person Discovers Their Favorite Candy at Age 11

Easter is this coming Sunday, which you surely know even if you don’t have kids . . . because of the unavoidable candy displays at every store.  But Easter candy isn’t just for kids.

In a new poll, 67% of people said that holiday-oriented “candy hauls” are NOT just for kids.  And the average “haul” is described as 23 pieces or more.

11% of people still get Easter baskets as adults . . . and 38% admit that they ENVY the baskets that younger children around them get.

52% say they eat more candy now as adults than they did as kids.  You might think that adults enjoy DIFFERENT types of candy than kids, but that’s not necessarily true.


The average person first picks a “favorite candy” at the age of 11 . . . and they’ve stuck with it ever since.

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