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Memorial Day Travel & Click-It or Ticket

More travelers are expected to be on the road this Memorial Day weekend compared to last year. AAA Travel expects more than 37 million people will travel 50 miles or more from home between Friday and Monday, an increase of 60% from last year during the pandemic.

NCDOT wants you to get to your destination safely, so if you are headed out of town, follow these safe driving tips:

  • Don’t drive drowsy;
  • Follow the posted speed limit; and
  • Be alert of your soundings and don’t drive distracted.

Find more about driving safely on our website, and for the most up-to-date travel information, go to DriveNC.gov.

Memorial Day “Click It or Ticket” Campaign

When you’re in the car this holiday weekend, make sure everyone buckles up. Besides seat belts saving lives, another reason to buckle up is the annual Memorial Day “Click It or Ticket” Campaign.

Law enforcement will be stepping up enforcement of speeding, drunk driving, and seat belt laws in all 100 counties. Violators of North Carolina’s seat belt law are fined $180 and if a passenger under 16 is not properly restrained, there’s a $266 fine.

The “Click It or Ticket” Campaign runs through June 6.

Hurricane Season Begins Next Week

Hurricane season begins next week and there has already been a named storm in the Atlantic Ocean. Fortunately, Tropical Storm Ana formed in the Atlantic stayed out to sea.

However, severe tropical weather is common in North Carolina, so now is the time to prepare:

  • Create an emergency plan;
  • Review and update homeowners or renters’ insurance policies; and
  • Have an emergency kit ready.

For more tips on preparing for a natural disaster, visit readync.org. Hurricane season runs from June 1 through Nov. 30.

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