SCC hosting two virtual job fairs this fall
In-person events like job fairs may not be prudent or feasible during the COVID-19 pandemic, but many of the area’s essential employers are eagerly seeking workers to fill vital job roles.
To help, Southwestern Community College’s Career Services is offering two virtual job fairs this fall through Google Meet.
The Healthcare Job Fair will be held from 9 a.m. – noon on Wednesday, Sept. 30. A general job fair will be held from 1-4 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 14. The former will be exclusive to healthcare industry employers, while the second will include all sectors of employment, such as hospitality and tourism, business, trades, and more.
Employers who’d like to reach a large number of qualified job-seekers can sign up by contacting Mike Despeaux, SCC’s Director of Career Services, at
“For the first time I can remember, job-seekers may well vastly outnumber the employment opportunities in some areas of the market, although others are hiring and can’t find enough staff,” Despeaux said. “We want to help connect them with employers who are in a position to hire right now, and we believe this virtual format is the way to go.”
Participation is free and both job fairs are open to the public, along with SCC students and alumni.
Despeaux will open the Virtual Job Fair with a brief presentation about SCC’s resources for employers and job-seekers. He’ll then open the floor for participating employers, one at a time according to a schedule, where they will introduce themselves and describe current positions for which they’re hiring.
Throughout the three-hour event, employers will concurrently be available to field calls, respond to emails and set up individual Google Meet or Zoom calls to discuss their job openings and hiring plans.
“You don’t have to wait for the day of the career fair to apply for positions on SCC’s Job Board,” Despeaux said. “Our hope is that this Job Board will become a standing resource for employers and anyone who’s looking for a job even after COVID-19 is in our rear-view mirrors.”
Job-seekers can get more info about how to participate in the Virtual Job Fair and the schedule of employers by going to this page:
For more information about SCC and the programs it offers, visit, call 828.339.4000 or stop by your nearest SCC location.