Life Jacket Loaner Program On Hold, Life Jacket Giveaway Offered Instead
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, life jackets will not be loaned out at the five county Life Jacket Loaner Stations until further notice. However, life jackets are still required by law. Every vessel must have a life vest (personal flotation device) for each person on board the vessel. Children under age 13 must wear a securely fastened life vest while on board any vessel. All life vests must be (1) U.S. Coast Guard approved, (2) in safe and serviceable condition, and (3) of proper size for the person wearing it.
To help our community continue to swim and boat safely, Safe Kids Jackson County will host a series of Life Jacket Giveaway Events (while supplies last) on the following days:
· June 16, 2020 from 10:00 AM-12:00 PM at the Cullowhee Rec Center
· June 18, 2020 from 10:00 AM-12:00 PM at the Cashiers Rec Center
· June 24, 2020 from 10:00 AM-12:00 PM at the Sylva Pool
Appointments are strongly recommended but walk-ins will be accepted. Cloth face coverings and social distancing will be encouraged. To schedule an appointment, call Safe Kids Coordinator Anna Lippard at 828-587-8225.
Remember, life jackets save lives. A child can drown in as little as twenty seconds. Wearing a life jacket can allow time for a successful rescue.