Kindergarten Registration Opens for 2020-21 School Year
Kindergarten registration for the 2020-2021 school year is now open for children who live in Jackson County and will be five years old on or before August 31. Due to safety concerns related to COVID-19 and uncertainty about the reopening of school buildings, the registration process is fully online.
Director of Elementary Education Laura Dills encourages parents and guardians to register incoming kindergarten students as soon as possible.
“It’s very important for families to get children registered,” said Dills. “It allows us to prepare rosters and make hiring decisions for next year.”
The online enrollment form replaces the paper registration packets that were used in the past, and Dills is pleased that the entire process has been streamlined.
“It greatly reduces the number of things that have to be completed compared to the paper packets,” said Dills. “So, it actually makes the time for registration much shorter.”
Several items should be gathered before beginning the registration process. An email address is required to create a login to the online enrollment form.
Once logged into the form, a birth certificate and proof of residency such as a utility bill will be requested. A photo or scan of those documents can be uploaded directly to the form.
A separate student health form must be completed by a doctor prior to the first day of school. The health form can be downloaded during the online enrollment process or picked up from most local doctors.
Dills is aware that Internet access in Jackson County is limited, so families who cannot complete the online enrollment form from home will be asked to visit a school once the state of emergency is lifted.
“We will allow families to come in and use our computers to register their children after the school buildings reopen,” said Dills.
Families who plan to register a child from home are asked to complete the online enrollment form by May 31. The form can be found at For more information, call Laura Dills at (828) 586-2311 ext. 1950 or email