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Jackson County Chamber Of Commerce Provides Information

We’re doing all we can to keep our Facebook page and website updated with the latest Covid-19 news. We’ve created a new page on our website HERE that provides everything we think is important for our members, residents and visitors to know. Please take a look and re-visit frequently for the latest updates.

The Jackson County Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center is closed to the public, as is our visitor center in Dillsboro. Please know that our entire staff is still working for YOU from our homes and occasionally from the office. We’ve been updating your job listings HERE, posting hot deals for members HERE, keeping everyone informed of unemployment filing issues, processing membership payments, fulfilling visitor requests, answering visitor questions, and more.

For a complete list of upcoming events in Jackson County, please click HERE. If you are an event organizer and have canceled or postponed an event, please let us know, or log into our website at www.mountainlovers.com and do some simple housekeeping on your events and their dates please. We appreciate sharing the latest information with our membership.

If anyone needs information about applying for small business disaster loans, please click HERE. For employers or employees with unemployment questions, please click HERE.

Kelly Donaldson
Assistant Director
Jackson County Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center

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