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Awkward Tasks We’d Pay Someone to Do for Us

When was the last time you embarrassed yourself?  A new poll found we lie awake thinking about those moments two to three times a month.

People were asked to think of the most awkward situation they’ve been in, and how much they would have paid to avoid it.  And the average answer was $6,200. Here are the top ten awkward situations we’d pay someone else to take care of . . .

1.  Calling a locksmith after you locked yourself out.  31% would pay for it instead of breaking in, or staying with someone for the night.

2.  Repair someone’s fence after backing your car into it, 27%.

3.  Assemble IKEA furniture for you after struggling to do it yourself, 25%.

4.  Remove a bad tattoo, 24%.  I guess the alternative is just deal with it?

5.  Fix your kid’s haircutting accident, 20%.

6.  Go get your stuff after a break-up, 19%.

7.  Steam clean a friend’s carpet after you spilled wine on it, 18%.

8.  Adult swimming lessons, 17%.

9.  Buying an embarrassing medication or product, 13%.

10.  Lessons on emerging technology, like crypto . . . just so you can sound smart when you talk about it.  13% would pay for that.


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