Agreement streamlines SCC Fine Arts Degree transfer to WCU

Thanks to a new articulation agreement with Western Carolina University, students enrolled in the Associate of Fine Arts (AFA) degree at Southwestern Community College can now transfer credits to the Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in graphic design at WCU. Additional courses beyond those included in the AFA can also be completed at SCC to transfer and meet nearly all liberal studies requirements at WCU.
“Western Carolina is a valuable partner in our efforts to ensure university transfer and career preparation opportunities for our students. SCC students who transfer to Western Carolina are highly successful thanks to the student success focus that both institutions share,” said Barbara Putman, the Dean of Arts and Sciences at SCC. “We appreciate Western Carolina’s collaboration through transfer agreements that help our students maintain momentum toward their academic goals and career success.”
Southwestern Community College’s AFA degree consists of courses in art history, two and three-dimensional design, drawing, painting, sculpture, and ceramics which provide a solid foundation for success in WCU’s graphic design program. “The AFA program at SCC prepares students for college transfer as well as providing them with a strong foundation with visual language and skills required in all BFA programs, “ said Brian Kane, the Fine Arts Department Chair at SCC.
Internships will be available and are required for BFA students, and graduates will find themselves working in various fields related to the degree, such as printing services, magazine design, and marketing or advertising.
Students planning to enroll in WCU’s BFA in Graphic Design must first apply for entrance into the program.
More information on the agreement is available at
For more information about the program, please contact the Project Coordinator, Brian Kane, at 828-336-2006 or
To learn how to apply, please contact the Director of Enrollment Management, Mark Ellison, at 828-339-4229 or