11th Annual Assault on Blackrock Race Registration Opens
Registration is now open for the 11th annual Assault on Blackrock. Each year, around 120 athletes make the scramble up to Blackrock summit.
This year’s event will be on Saturday, March 20th. The 7 mile race starts in the parking lot of Sylva’s Pinnacle Park, then goes up to the Blackrock summit and back. It’s more than 27-hundred feet in elevation.
There will be a few changes to the race this year due to the pandemic. Runners will have staggered start times and will be expected to start the race alone. Masks are not required to run. Water stations will be unmanned this year. The registration deadline in March 19th at midnight. However, runners who register before March 1st will get a free t-shirt. All proceeds from this year’s race will go to Southwestern Community College’s Student Emergency Fund, to aid students in financial emergencies.