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Things You Start to Appreciate Once You Turn 43

The average person says life slows down at age 43.  But you can still have fun.  For a look at the wild world of excitement that awaits you in middle age, check out today’s list of the . . . Top 5 Things You Start to Appreciate Once You Turn 43.

Anything that stars Kevin Costner.

Book clubs.

Low interest rates.

Unrevealing swimsuits.

Friends who want to meet for coffee in the morning instead of beers at night.

Hitting 10,000 steps.

Your Neighborhood Watch.

Vacations based on historical points of interest.

The shoe selection at Costco.

Fox News.

Tweezers.  Specifically, how good they are at removing random body hairs.


Shorts with LOTS of pockets.


Letting loose at school board meetings.

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