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New CDC Guidelines for COVID Boosters

The FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have shortened the interval recommended between the completion of a mRNA primary vaccination and use of a booster dose from 6 months to 5 months. The CDC recommends that individuals who received the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine get a booster dose after five months.

Current recommendation for COVID-19 boosters is:

· Those who received the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine should get a booster five months after their last dose.

· Those who received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine should get a booster two months after their initial dose.

Anyone ages 12 and older should receive a booster. Parental consent is required for those 12 to 17.

Adults may receive any brand of the COVID-19 vaccine for their booster, while children 12 to 17 can only receive Pfizer. The CDC recommends that mRNA vaccines made by Moderna and Pfizer are the best choice for most people for preventing severe illness and hospitalization from COVID-19. However, NCDHHS and the Jackson County Department of Public Health encourage individuals to speak with a doctor, nurse or pharmacist if they have questions about what booster is right for them.

Additionally, consistent with the CDC’s previous recommendation for adults, CDC is recommending that moderately or severely immunocompromised 5–11-year-olds receive an additional primary dose of vaccine 28 days after their second shot. Currently, only the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is authorized and recommended for children aged 5-11.

The Jackson County Department of Public Health offers COVID-19 vaccines (including booster doses) on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. To schedule an appointment visit vaccines.gov or call 828-587-8289.

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