JCDPH Moves to Group 4
The Jackson County Department of Public Health (JCDPH) will begin administering COVID-19 vaccines to those in Groups 1, 2, 3, and 4. To see what Group you fall in, visit https://findmygroup.nc.gov/.
If you fall into Group 1, 2, 4, or 4, JCDPH encourages you to make an appointment through our online portal at https://pickatime.com/jacksonvaccine.
Those in our community that do not have internet access or need assistance making an appointment may call the Jackson County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at 828-631-HELP. Spanish-speaking community members may call 828-587-8227. If an appointment is not available through the online portal, all slots are filled for the time being.
Appointment slots are updated weekly so JCDPH encourages you to check the online portal frequently. Other healthcare providers in our community are also providing the COVID-19 vaccine. To find a local vaccine provider near you, visit https://myspot.nc.gov/. For more information, visit JCDPH’s website at http://health.jacksonnc.org/covid19 or call the EOC at 828-631-HELP.