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Did You Know These Rock Musicians Graduated College?

Ultimate Classic Rock made a list of well-known rock musicians who graduated college.

In no particular order, here are a few notable graduates . . .

1.  Rivers Cuomo . . . Harvard University in 2006.

2.  Tom Morello . . . Harvard University in 1986.

3.  Thom Yorke . . . University of Exeter in 1991.

4.  Gene Simmons . . . Richmond College in 1970.

5.  Sting . . . Northern Counties College of Education in 1974.

6.  Jim Morrison . . . UCLA in 1965.

7.  Freddie Mercury . . . Ealing Art College in 1969.

8.  Sheryl Crow . . . University of Missouri in 1984.

9.  Brian May . . . Imperial College London in 1968.

10.  Paul Simon . . . Queens College in 1963.

Ultimate Classic Rock
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