Jackson CountyLocal Weather Alerts
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Over 7,000 without power due to Fred

As of 6:00 pm this afternoon, Tuesday, August 17th, HEMC has approximately 7352 members experiencing power outages across our 8 county service territory due to excessive rainfall, mud slides and high winds. We have additional crews from Rutherford EMC that will arrive early tomorrow morning; however, we do not expect full power restoration prior to sometime this weekend due to mudslides and washed out bridges inhibiting our crews from power restoration. Following are the number of outages per county:

Buncombe – 389

Haywood – 3926

Jackson – 1617

Macon – 98

Transylvania – 1191

Oconee, SC – 13

Rabun, GA – 116

Crews continue working to restore power as quickly and safely as possible.

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